Hiroshi Mizuhiro of HokkaidÅ, Japan has a rare dedication to experimental music in his daily life. On time off from stocking the shelves of a niche record shop devoted to the underground, he has steadily released a series of cassettes seamlessly blending a variety of ambient sub-genres under the name Buchikamashi and runs the impeccable Ginjoha Tapes label. "Seireikai" finds Mizuhiro's skills at synthesizer composition fine-tuned to a new zenith. Two extended arrangements enocourage the listener to embark on an ethereal journey enveloped in glistening swells of intense peace, concluded by a disorienting and dizzying dream.
C26 cassette · 2 songs · September 2011 · Hokuto City, Japan
Edition of 100 chrome cassettes dubbed in real-time with full-color labels and doublesided printing on heavyweight gloss stock